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Showing posts from June, 2018
Amy Yip - Lawrence Ng In 2012, Lawrence Ng, who did both To Be #1 and Sex & Zen with Amy, sat down for a short talk about her on a Chinese website called Oriental Daily.  吳啟華被喝:大力啲揸葉子楣 曾將文質彬彬的醫生「程至美」演得入型入格吳啟華,其實之前拍過多套三級片,最為人津津樂道的是他與「波霸」葉子楣於1991年主演的電影《玉蒲團之偷情寶鑑》,此片票房當年收近二千萬創下三級片紀錄,但已有妻女的啟華坦言當時受騙下接拍,成個人星途烙印。 吳啟華曾想過退出娛圈,幸之後轉戰無綫再開拓事業高峰。 當年我拍咗幾套三級片,其中1991年有套江湖片,嗰次我都係同葉子楣合作,戲中做一個鹹濕仔勾義嫂(葉子楣)。角色要成日(目及)佢,仲有搞嘢場面,搞搞吓被發現而遭追斬。我要拍一場冇着衫裸跑逃命場面,不過用替身演嘅。拍戲暴露我都有底線,點都要着條泳褲,唔好畀個屁股人睇,我咪最多當去游水。 當年「波霸」葉子楣是不少男士夢中情人,但啟華坦言與她拍情慾戲時「無福消受」。 唔拍要賠二千萬 拍呢套戲我覺得幾有發揮,自己亦做得唔錯,當年都有人讚。因為咁,我同出品人麥當雄關係幾好,佢後來話要開套古裝戲搵我做男主角,仲以為執到!同年我亦接咗套電影《阮玲玉》,兩套戲喺手,當年市道嚟計都幾好。 後嚟我睇劇本,就係呢套《玉蒲團之偷情寶鑑》,我覺得我個角色唔對路,情節點解咁嘅?當日仲要試造型,要我剃兩邊髮鬢方便戴頭套,當時又拍緊《阮》,要將啲頭髮遮去後面,兩邊髮鬢冇咗連唔到戲,我咪有藉口唔拍囉!後來監製蕭若元話唔拍就賠2,000萬啦!嗰時好大件事,搞到《玉》製片商嘉禾創辦人之一嘅何冠昌開聲,佢同我講叫我拍咗佢啦! 匿埋泰國想息影 我拍完都好唔開心,之後就結婚匿埋喺泰國,準備做啲小生意從此息影。你話逃避都好,因為當年我拍呢套三級片,好似拍緊A片咁(AV成人電影)!試過導演猛咁喝我:「啟華!大力啲揸落葉子楣個波度!」哎!做演員做到咁被迫,覺得好冇癮!當年我覺得事業運麻麻,要做唔想做嘅嘢。但為錢、為生活,冇得揀! Here's the ...
Amy Yip - Ghost Fever Amy's next movie came out in April 0f 1989, Ghost Fever, a silly Wong Jing comedy (he's actually IN it!), about a ghost (Rosamund Kwan) who falls in love with a human. Yeah it's silly, and not one of Amy's best... And here's a Hong Kong trailer for it! Enjoy my New Book 'The Movies of Amy Yip' by Chaz Gower Available in Paperback or Digital! ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen pictures of Amy from movies, television and her private life! AND featuring the first full exposed nipple picture of Amy ever! Enjoy!
Amy Yip - Some of my unused pictures! Every once in awhile I need to go through and find some pictures I haven't used in the book OR the blog. Here's Amy in that bikini from Easy Money. Va va voom! Amy is camel toe conscious in Robotrix! Amy's got back! (And a hint of crack...) Speaking of Amy's butt crack... we don't get to see much of it throughout her career, but here it is early on in Erotic Ghost Story.... Hey! That's VERONICA Yip, not Amy! More from Erotic Ghost Story.... Is it or isn't it? Amy or a Body Double from Sex & Zen.... Enjoy my New Book 'The Movies of Amy Yip' by Chaz Gower Available in Paperback or Digital! ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen pictures of Amy from movies, television and her private life! AND featuring the first full exposed nipple picture of Amy ever! Enjoy!
Amy Yip - The Inspector Wears Skirts II The third movie to come out for Amy was in January 1990 with the Inspector Wears Skirts II, the sequel to the first, where she plays one of a handful of recruits for an elite force of female military personnel. They get who Amy IS and boob jokes follow throughout. Hers' the original trailer: It did HK $18 Million at the Box Office (not bad) and also starred Sibelle Hu as the commander, Sandra Ng (and her usual goofiness) as the last class' graduate and all around mean-spirited nemesis to the new girls, Stanley Fung in his usual stuffy roll and Billy Lau and his usual goofiness. Here's the full movie, subtitled from youtube! Enjoy my New Book 'The Movies of Amy Yip' by Chaz Gower Available in Paperback or Digital! ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen pictures of Amy from movies, television and her private life! AND featuring the first full exposed nipple picture of ...
Amy Yip - Who Is The Craftiest? I know I just did a blog report on this a few weeks ago, but I have some added stuff to show... Here is the original trailer for the movie: And a scene from the movie featuring Amy! Enjoy my New Book 'The Movies of Amy Yip' by Chaz Gower Available in Paperback or Digital! ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen pictures of Amy from movies, television and her private life! AND featuring the first full exposed nipple picture of Amy ever! Enjoy!
Amy Yip - In The Flesh! Amy made no secret that she liked the idea of being a pop star and pursued that path at various times including towards the end of her movie career. Here's a clip from a TV special released at some point.... Amy may not have been the greatest singer to ever live, but one thing is for sure: That cameraman is pretty obvious about what HE's trying to do! Enjoy my New Book 'The Movies of Amy Yip' by Chaz Gower Available in Paperback or Digital! ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen pictures of Amy from movies, television and her private life! AND featuring the first full exposed nipple picture of Amy ever! Enjoy!
Amy Yip - We'll Be Back Tomorrow! We'll be back tomorrow with more great pictures and video from the career of international superstar AMY YIP! Enjoy my New Book 'The Movies of Amy Yip' by Chaz Gower Available in Paperback or Digital! ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen pictures of Amy from movies, television and her private life! AND featuring the first full exposed nipple picture of Amy ever! Enjoy!
Amy Yip - Playboy and Penthouse Magazine Amy appeared in both Playboy and Penthouse Magazine and had a few books put out by the Publishers, and here today we take a look at some of those pictures! Above is the special Sex & Zen HC - that's MY copy of it! Here are some of the interior pics:   And some various scans from the Internet: These are two copies of the Penthouse issue PLUS the Loletta Lee issue and a Julie Lee book. Sad to say I DON'T have any of these! Here's one of my books, Amy is featured with some other models (who DO show the goods). Here is the cover, some of the pics as they appear, and the back cover: Enjoy my new book The Movies of Amy Yip by Chaz Gower (Available in Paperback or Digital) ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen Tv appearances! And featuring the first full nipple exposed picture of Amy Yip ever! Enjoy! ...
Amy Yip - 1991 Newspaper Article We're always trying to find interesting things to add to the Amy Yip Fan Blog, and here is an article about her from the January 17, 1991 San Francisco Chronicle. Though I reprinted it  from   Damon Foster's Oriental Cinema and Video Vol 2 #14 (The Sonny Chiba issue!) Ex BofA Executive Jailed in Scheme to Pay Porn Starlet by Kenneth Howe, Chronicle Staff Writer     A former Bank of America executive in Hong Kong, said to be obsessed with soft-core porn starlet known as the ‘Asian Jane Russell’, was sentenced yesterday to 27 months in jail for attempting to improperly transfer $2.37 million to her account.     Peter K.L. Chan, 39, pleaded guilty to a charge of making a fraudulent accounting entry and was sentenced by a H.K. district court judge. Police said that Chan became ‘obsessed’ with (Amy) in 1988 when she was a budding actress for a Hong Kong TV station and he was an assistant vic...
Amy Yip - 38 Beauty TV Show Amy's last TV show, which came after she'd already started doing movies, was called 38 Beauty aka Destined to Love. And below are some out takes from the show. Would love to see this subtitled and released on DVD or Blu-Ray someday.... Now you may have noticed in one of those scenes, Amy kind of accidentally exposes herself a little more than usual... Enjoy my new book The Movies of Amy Yip by Chaz Gower (Available in Paperback or Digital) ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen Tv appearances! Enjoy!
Amy Yip - Heart of Hearts! Amy's second movie would be as an extra in the romantic comedy 'Heart of Hearts', where she would play 'Girl at Alex's party'. Hey, at least she didn't have to play the hooker! Alex (George Lam) wakes up one day to his girlfriend moving out (the demure, pretty Rosamund Kwan). Bummed out, he gets really grumpy with his music class, and in particular, the troublesome Vivian (the cute Vivian Chow in her first movie), much to the annoyance of her mother (the obnoxious Carol Cheng), who suspects he has eyes for her daughter. Eventually, Alex and the MOM begin a relationship, and Rosamund sees this and wants to come back to him. All predictable stuff, though if you like the actors involved you'll appreciate the movie. It grew on me, it's well written, and I kinda liked it. It was pretty popular in China, pulling in HK $24 Million, making it one of the top movies of the year, (and one of Amy's highest grossing!...
Amy Yip - Rare Pictures! Enjoy my new book The Movies of Amy Yip by Chaz Gower (Available in Paperback or Digital) ORDER NOW! Featuring a lot of rare and seldom seen Tv appearances! Enjoy!